Travel Advisory for Sound

Sound travels on vibrating air molecules. To reduce the sound that is transmitted from room to room, Acoustical Consultants often specify resilient assemblies. These assemblies are placed inside the wall or ceiling–attached to the building frame–to reduce sound vibrations.

There are three different assembly systems: the rubber bushing, the channel and the acoustically resilient metal clip.

Historically, the Dietrich Metal Framing channel has been utilized. The channel is a foot long piece of galvanized steel.

A new product, the RSIC-1, from Pac International is a metal clip with a rubber bushing. The idea is to stop the sound with rubber, a poor conductor.

Another example is acoustic wall framing which replaces the conventional wood studs with laminated veneer lumber connected by acoustically resilient metal clips. The built-in clips help minimize the amount of noise transmitted.

Using one of the three quite different assemblies, sound vibrations are no longer on a straight path through the wall; rather, the sound waves take a roundabout road.

All three assemblies work on the same principle, differing only in ease of use and needs of the project. If properly installed, resilient wall assemblies dissipate much of the acoustical energy and substantially reduce the sound levels heard on the other side of the wall. Quieter living and working spaces start with construction.