Resilient Channels – How Metal Absorbs Sound Waves
April 1, 1996
Anyone who’s ever shared a wall with someone else has probably wondered if the walls were intentionally thin, or the neighbors intentionally loud. Often the assumption is that the walls between dwellings simply need to be thicker to muffle sound.
Binauralization™ — Now You Can HEAR How it Will Sound BEFORE Construction Starts!
April 1, 1995
How often have you wondered what a room was going to sound like before it was built? How would it sound if the walls were parallel and not canted? Are all of the acoustical room finishes really required? Will there
Front Vs. Rear Projection – Questions and Answers
April 1, 1994
From an entertainment point of view there is probably nothing more impressive than going to a first run cinema (front projection) and being enveloped by the large screen and catchy plot. That’s great if the purpose is for entertainment or