
Focus on Technology: Using AV for Worship Center Security

October 1, 2008   
Our worship centers are not exempt from the crimes of opportunity and other losses that are found in the rest of our world. The nature of the worship experience makes us vulnerable. So with a special eye we need to

Focus on Acoustics: Sound Isolation between Workstations

October 1, 2008   
As with all matters acoustical, things seem to come in waves. The latest revolution of problems to solve: private offices along window walls in office buildings. People have been complaining they hear everything that is said on the other side

Product Review: InfoComm, Were You Audio-Immersed?

August 1, 2008   
Nearly 35,000 AV professionals from almost 100 countries attended the 2008 InfoComm show in Las Vegas this past June – the largest InfoComm gathering ever, in fact. Thorburn Associates has had a longstanding presence at InfoComm as an educator. This

Project Highlight: City of Raleigh Wastewater Treatment Training Centers

August 1, 2008   
CHALLENGE: The City of Raleigh sought to create three new training spaces at three separate wastewater treatment facilities. Two of the spaces were new construction, while the third was a renovation of existing space. The city wanted each of the

Focus on Technology: How to Issue an RFP/RFQ

August 1, 2008   
Over the years, Thorburn Associates has provided thousands of hours of training sessions at InfoComm conferences. One of the most popular sessions has been the informative presentation on issuing RFP’s and RFQ’s. To help everyone understand the issuing process, here

Focus on Acoustics: Acoustically Integrated aRchitecture (AIR)

August 1, 2008   
For years, TA has worked to influence the building and construction trades by advocating for acoustically friendly design, and now we’ve given that practice a name: Acoustically Integrated aRchitecture (AIR). AIR is a holistic best practice which, recognizing that the

Can You See Me Now?

June 26, 2008   
How do we have a good video meeting? The answer is the same as for a face-to-face meeting-we need to hear and see well in order to communicate and meet effectively. In terms of videoconferencing, how do we set things

Project Highlight: University of Illinois Speech Language Pathology Clinic

June 1, 2008   
When the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign decided to expand their Speech Language Pathology Clinic to a second location they wanted it to provide a state-of-the-art site that facilitated best practices in both education and speech-language therapy. For not only

Product Viewpoint: For Small Theaters, Digital Cinema Has Benefits For Big Theaters, Stick with Film (for now)

April 1, 2008   
The needs of museums, educational institutions and conferencing venues differ from those of the cineplex, and digital cinema as it is right now does not always meet them. There are benefits: print cost goes away, the last run of the

Focus on Acoustics: City Noise Ordinances, Navigating a Sea of Noise

April 1, 2008   
As our population increases and expands, “noise pollution” has been increasingly recognized as a serious and growing environmental and health problem, with consequences ranging from stress and anxiety to permanent hearing loss. Thankfully, noise ordinances have been put in place