SAP Technology Solution Center
Palo Alto, California
The SAP Technology Showroom encompasses three different systems within the same basic facility. Each system provides a distinct function and setting. The main function of the room is to present the company’s product to the client using a dazzling multimedia display. We worked closely with the client to identify the performance and equipment criteria they valued most. From this criteria, it was determined that the Showroom system had to serve three distinct functions in three different locations.
The “theatre” area of the room incorporates a 2×4 video wall with 3 plasma display panels on either side. This area has touch panels on the desks on either side of the video wall for the presenters. The second area is set in a corner and contains a large monitor where people can get a hands-on feel for the software. An adjacent video conferencing space is the third area, with a horseshoe-shaped table facing a 60″ rear projection. The table has a document camera mounted above it, and tabletop microphones. A multiple-source show control system programmed in to a color touch panel controls these various systems.
Acoustical consulting included sound isolation for the entire center and recommendations for absorptive materials to improve overall room acoustics in the demo room/theater.