
Video vs Audio

April 12, 2012   
There is often a chill that runs up your spine when something is really well done. That happened for me the first time I heard the “THX chord” in a theater. It reinforced that audio gives us the emotion and

Noise Criteria (NC) vs. Room Criteria (RC)

February 1, 2004   
Quite often we are asked why does Thorburn Associates Inc. use Noise Criteria (NC) as opposed to Room Criteria (RC) during our mechanical system noise calculations. Both NC and RC are measures of mechanical system noise in a room. Noise

Comparing Themed and Corporate AV Systems

October 1, 1997   
What’s the difference between a theme park and a corporate conference room? Not as much as you think. This might sound like some kind of bad joke at first, but when you look at the requirements and designs for their