
Assessing Environmental Impacts – Noise Quality

July 1, 2005   
So, your local newspaper just announced that a major developer wants to put in a new mixed-use project. They want to tear down existing buildings, create new roads, add public areas, and put in several new buildings with underground parking,

Time Out Of Mind

June 21, 2005   
Why does the last 20 percent of the project seem to take 80 percent of the time? Our challenge in the last few months has been dealing with or trying to deal with closeout submittals-one of those nasty little things

Acoustical Plaster

May 1, 2005   
At the AIA National Conference in Las Vegas earlier this month, Pyrok introduced their new acoustical plaster system. In the past Architects and Interior Designers have been concerned with the rough texture finish of Pyrok’s original systems. The new acoustical

Demolition Noise and Vibration Monitoring

May 1, 2005   
Last month one of our High Tech clients came to us with a neat problem. They will be tearing down a warehouse building built in the early 70’s. The problem is that the building shares a party wall and interlocked

Video Conferencing Over the Public Internet

May 1, 2005   
We have been told that you can video conference over the public internet for a few years now. TA has been skeptical about the quality of these types of calls. Historically, the internet did not support a continuous presence. By

Environmental Acoustics

May 1, 2005   
Determining if what one hears is “sound” or “noise” can be a difficult task. What is music to one person is a loud racket to another – just ask any parents with teenage children! It also depends on the time

When is a Project a Success?

March 29, 2005   
When is a project a success? When it is done? When you are paid? When you have not had call backs? When you were not sued?! For us, it is when the customer is happy. We have given them something

National Systems Contractor Association (NSCA) Trade Show Wrap-up

March 1, 2005   
It seems that if you want a new product, just say it does not exist, and it will appear! It happened just last month when Panasonic brought one of their new projectors that self focuses the image, great for the

Digital Signage at Federated Department Stores

March 1, 2005   
The recent deluge of trade magazine articles on digital signage makes it seem like every business, school, airport and government facility should immediately jump on the Digital Signage bandwagon, or be left behind. But digital signage is just another way

Designing Lecterns to Accommodate Today’s Technology

March 1, 2005   
The layout of “technology lecterns” is always an issue. The challenge is most every user has a different opinion! Grouping requirements to create a lectern that satisfies the most users is no easy task, but there are fundamental questions that