
Focus on Technology: The Greening Power of AV

October 1, 2011   
Green power or green technology is a concept that has become a general buzzword in the construction industry. In its most general terms, it means using renewable power. It first started showing the most presence with building owners trying to

Focus on Acoustics: Mixed Use Buildings

October 1, 2011   
Many cities are changing their zoning laws to allow for the development of mixed-use buildings or re-development sites.  This means that many planning committees that once favored the suburban planning model of residences in one part of town and business

Focus on Acoustics-Spray Foam Insulation

August 11, 2011   
Spray foam insulation, because of its high recycled content and superior insulating qualities over loose fitting batt insulation, is being used with increasing frequency. It is even more common when a project is seeking to meet objectives outlined by sustainable

Deeper Into the Cloud We Go: The Integration of AV into IT

August 1, 2011   
For most of the audiovisual (AV) systems designed in the 80s and 90s, there was a clear point of demarcation between where information technology (IT) networks ended and AV systems began. Early AV systems only used analog phone lines for

LED Technology: Ready for Primetime?

August 1, 2011   
For some time, consumers have been excited about the energy savings and efficient production of light from LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology compared to traditional light sources (incandescent and fluorescent). Most lighting design professionals, however, still approach the general use

Product Review: Casio Signature Series Projectors

June 1, 2011   
  Wow, when TA started to look at what would be a good, respectable, small (read light weight) bright, wide screen projector for our team to use for meetings at client offices, we did not expect our final choice to

Product Review: Floor Boxes

April 1, 2011   
In our educational programs we joke around that we have never met a floor box that we liked. That is usually because someone pulled the wrong wire to the box, or it is not in the correct location, or it

Cal Green – California’s Newest Building Code

April 1, 2011   
The importance of acoustics is often forgotten until a building is completed. However, the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code (CalGreen Code) which took effect January 1, 2011 made it mandatory for all new construction in California (non-residential and residential

Project Profile: TA’s Most Memorable Projects

April 1, 2011   
We want to take a little trip down memory lane and showcase some of our most memorable and interesting projects. Space Shuttle Launch Blast Berm – We were part of the team that evaluated the impact of an earthen berm

The Recession Is Over!

January 12, 2011   
As I walked into the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) 2010 trade floor, it was clear that there was an energy level on the floor that I had not felt in 10 years. This industry took a