
Product Review: Insight Lighting’s SmartWall® Ever Changing Wall Color!

December 1, 2011   
The true measure of sustainability in LED lighting products today has less to do with quantity of light and more to do with efficient management of the digital source. Insight’s revolutionary SmartWall® employs their proven SmartEdge® digital LED technology with

Focus on Lighting: A Look Into Lamp Technology and Lighting Legislation

December 1, 2011   
The federal government is pushing toward more energy efficient solutions with regard to lighting and lamp selections, or what is more commonly referred to as “going green”. This will result in changes over the next couple of years with regard

Focus on Lighting: Taking Control of Architectural Lighting

October 1, 2011   
Architectural lighting should be designed to complement your needs and as your needs change throughout the day, your lighting should adapt accordingly.  Lighting controls are the answer.  Several options are available to help make your environment and your life more

LED Technology: Ready for Primetime?

August 1, 2011   
For some time, consumers have been excited about the energy savings and efficient production of light from LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology compared to traditional light sources (incandescent and fluorescent). Most lighting design professionals, however, still approach the general use

Product Review: Christie MicroTiles™

October 1, 2010   
Christie’s new MicroTiles may become the new standard in video walls. Unveiled over the last year at various trade shows and events, MicroTiles are small display units measuring roughly 12 inches x 16 inches x 10 inches. Each weighs about

Focus on Lighting: The Importance of Color

October 1, 2010   
Lighting is often the forgotten design element. Though its effects are powerful, the medium itself is rather intangible. Because lighting can drastically affect atmosphere, and since it generally flies in under most people’s conscious radar, good lighting is an economical

Focus on Technology: Visual Presentation Spaces, Part I Understanding the 468 Rule

August 1, 2010   
Designing presentation facilities can be challenging, but the basic principles are not difficult. Each project and venue comes with its own set of variables and limitations that require some analysis to determine how to create the most optimal conditions. The

Better City, Better Life

July 9, 2010   
As the axiom goes, in 1810 the savvy entrepreneur should have gone to London, in 1910 they should have been in New York, and in 2010 they should be in Asia. Having recently returned from Shanghai, China and the World’s

Product Review: LED 2 by 2 Ceiling Grid Lighting Fixture

February 1, 2010   
LED products finally getting practical! Known for their flashy color changing abilities, manufacturers are bringing LED products to the everyday world. Lunera Lighting ( has introduced a 2 x 2 lay-in grid fixture that is only 1.25 inches thick (avoids

Digital Signage Update

December 1, 2007   
Digital Signage is gaining widespread acceptance. When Eric Cronwall, one of TA’s Senior Audiovisual Consultants, first presented a technical session on digital signage at InfoComm in 2003, digital signage was in its infancy in the U.S. Back then, this new