Focus on Acoustics: Acoustically Integrated Architecture in the LEED Era, Part I
February 1, 2009
The concept of Acoustically Integrated aRchitecture (AIR – a term coined by Thorburn Associates) is basic enough: AIR is a best practice in which the interface of disciplines (architecture, acoustics, AV engineering, lighting, interior design, etc.) creates spaces that foster
Product Review: Netwell Noise Control
October 1, 2008
Minneapolis-based Netwell has been serving the acoustics industry for more than 20 years with a wide range of noise control products. Netwell supplies more than 60 products to the acoustics market and prides itself on cost-effectiveness and small orders. Sound
Focus on Acoustics: Sound Isolation between Workstations
October 1, 2008
As with all matters acoustical, things seem to come in waves. The latest revolution of problems to solve: private offices along window walls in office buildings. People have been complaining they hear everything that is said on the other side
Focus on Acoustics: Acoustically Integrated aRchitecture (AIR)
August 1, 2008
For years, TA has worked to influence the building and construction trades by advocating for acoustically friendly design, and now we’ve given that practice a name: Acoustically Integrated aRchitecture (AIR). AIR is a holistic best practice which, recognizing that the
Quiet Curtains: A Product with Potential
February 1, 2008
Draperies and curtains have long been used as a cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing, and adjustable means of acoustic treatment within a room. The thick, heavy fabric provides useful sound absorption and reverberation control, especially at middle and high frequencies. Quiet Curtains
Focus on Acoustics: ClearSorber Lets the Light In
February 1, 2008
As acoustical consultants, we incorporate a wide variety of finishes to the walls, floors, and ceiling of a space to meet the design criteria. But what about glazing? Windows, skylights, glass partitions and doors and decorative glazing are all part
Product Review: LiveWires—Custom Fit In-Ear Monitors
December 1, 2007
LiveWires, from Earpeace Technologies, is a truly unique holiday gift for the music lover in your life. Because Livewires are custom fit (an impression is made of your ear by an audiologist) these in-ear monitors are amazingly comfortable and produce