Invisible Loudspeakers
March 1, 2004
Stealth Acoustics produces a family of invisible, flat-panel loudspeakers, designed for flush wall or ceiling mounting that sound great! The new loudspeakers from Stealth Acoustics offer a truly invisible loudspeaker solution for whole house audio, surround sound, paging, masking, foreground
CSI’s MasterFormat™ 04 and its Impact on Our Work
March 1, 2004
The current status is that late in 2004 the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) will formally publish the new MasterFormat™ layout. Over the last few years the MasterFormat™ Task Team has been working on the first major update in 38 years.
Speech Privacy Within Hospitals Meeting the New HIPAA Standards
January 1, 2004
Confidentiality between a patient and the health provider is one of the basic principles of modern health care. Without confidentiality, the effectiveness of the health care system decreases, due to patient fear of having their medical records revealed and possibly
New Advances in Video Conferencing Technology H.264
December 1, 2003
A new video conferencing standard, H.264, delivers twice the video quality currently experienced in video conferencing meetings. H.264 provides a far more efficient mechanism for compressing and decompressing motion video. This mechanism or algorithm requires significantly less bandwidth to transmit
High Definition Television Is Here! (Sort of…)
June 1, 2000
High Definition Television (HDTV) promises bigger and better images and great audio. But what exactly is HDTV and how will it affect our television viewing? Consumers are experiencing a confusing mess of conflicting standards, limited programming, few available channels and
Display Technology – Part 2
October 1, 1999
In a previous blog post we covered the differences between projectors and monitors and looked at the advantages and disadvantages of current technology including analog verses digital technology. In this issue we will look at the features of brightness, resolution,