
Project Highlight: San Jose Cambrian Branch Library

February 1, 2007   
Libraries now days are competing with large bookstores and the Cambrian Branch has the means to be a contender. San Jose’s new library, designed by Anderson Brulé Architects, opened in November. The LEED certified building is 28,000 sq. ft. and

Sound Myth-Understandings

February 1, 2007   
A myth is a story handed down through history, often orally, that explains the unknown. In some cases, we have heard these myths so often we never question their veracity. The word itself comes from the Greek, “mythos” which meant

Home Theater Equation

February 1, 2007   
Bigger is not always better, or at least that’s the case with televisions, plasma and LCD projection screens. This week, more big-screen TV’s are sold due to Super Bowl-mania than any other time of year. Some considerations: –How big is

Where am I?

December 1, 2006   
Or how fast am I going? Or how do I get there from here? GPS, or Global Positioning System, isn’t just for finding the way from the airport to your hotel via the nearest Starbucks anymore. GPS is a satellite

TA Project Highlight: Mountain View Senior Center

December 1, 2006   
Thorburn Associates was hired to design the technology infrastructure, that is, locations for all the loudspeakers, projection screens, future locations for equipment racks, conduits and power requirements during the design phase of the Mountain View Senior Center. The one story

In the Zone

December 1, 2006   
You may not know that Thorburn Associates also designs presentation lighting. Lighting is essential to the success of a facility. Lighting, like sound, creates its own ambience and either blends harmoniously while providing needed support or literally stands out like

The Low-Down on Noise Canceling Headphones

December 1, 2006   
In a recent meeting, the gauntlet was tossed to us. I want to get a set of noise canceling headphones for Christmas, what should I ask Santa for? As a leader in helping make things quiet we eagerly took up

Eye in the Sky; WolfVision’s Ceiling Visualizer

October 1, 2006   
WolfVision’s Ceiling Visualizer is an overhead document camera that allows you to show detailed drawings, products or anything else the light field can encompass. Whether you’re using a document camera in a classroom to show the difference between hybrid rose

Students to Have Access to New Technology for Film, Music and Dance

October 1, 2006   
The Performing Arts Facility on the De Anza Community College campus in San Jose, CA is under construction. The building is designed as a multi-use facility serving as classroom space, an auditorium, exhibition area and lobby. Established in 1967, De

Travel Advisory for Sound

October 1, 2006   
Sound travels on vibrating air molecules. To reduce the sound that is transmitted from room to room, Acoustical Consultants often specify resilient assemblies. These assemblies are placed inside the wall or ceiling–attached to the building frame–to reduce sound vibrations. There